Yesterday Joedy gave me a camera, a replacement for the one that broke a couple months ago, and this evening Diablo and Astrid and I drove down South Congress
to Town Lake to go for a walk and take some pictures.
to Town Lake to go for a walk and take some pictures.
Before we began the walk the dogs ran around
and went for a swim;
I admired the old train bridge
and a shiny skyscraper
and the way the branches framed
the rippling water.
Soon after, I put the dogs' leashes on
and we started down the path,
stopping frequently to ooh and aah at the leaves overhead
and went for a swim;
I admired the old train bridge
and a shiny skyscraper
and the way the branches framed
the rippling water.
Soon after, I put the dogs' leashes on
and we started down the path,
stopping frequently to ooh and aah at the leaves overhead
and the trees by the side of the path, at how dramatic they looked lit up by the setting sun.
After a little while we turned a corner and saw two swans in the water: I told Diablo and Astrid to sit
and then I took picture
after picture
after picture
after picture
after picture
after picture
after picture
after picture
after picture.
I thought it couldn't get much better than those swans by the path, but when we crossed the big bridge I took a picture of the buildings sticking out of the trees.
Just now, sitting at the kitchen table, I noticed there are swans in that picture too; they're small and far away,
but I like them a lot anyway.
After a little while we turned a corner and saw two swans in the water: I told Diablo and Astrid to sit
and then I took picture
after picture
after picture
after picture
after picture
after picture
after picture
after picture
after picture.
I thought it couldn't get much better than those swans by the path, but when we crossed the big bridge I took a picture of the buildings sticking out of the trees.
Just now, sitting at the kitchen table, I noticed there are swans in that picture too; they're small and far away,
but I like them a lot anyway.
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